

KQED engaged the professional team at RSM US LLP to help the organization select its next-generation business management solution. 在一起, RSM and KQED evaluated the leading ERP software vendors on the market—ultimately selecting 圣人Intacct.







KQED provides the people of Northern California with the news and information they need to stay informed, 受到启发并参与其中. 它的电视, 广播, digital media and educational services make up one of the largest public media organizations in the nation, 每周有超过2名观众.500万听众,500名员工和9000万美元的年收入.

随着媒体行业的变化, KQED也在随之改变, investing in the technologies that allow it to continue to be a force for good in the community. When the limitations of its older accounting solution began constricting its mission, KQED改成了完整的贤者.

“我们的核心会计使用的是微软的vision, 但它没有与我们所依赖的其他商业应用程序集成,萨拉·威廉姆斯回忆道。, KQED金融解决方案总监. “独立, 孤立的系统, we couldn’t draw out the reports we needed and everything took too much time and too many steps. 我们知道还有更好的办法.”


KQED engaged the professional team at RSM US LLP to help the organization select its next-generation business management solution. 在一起, RSM and KQED evaluated the leading ERP software vendors on the market—ultimately selecting 圣人Intacct. 威廉姆斯说:“这种最佳的方法对我们非常有吸引力. “我们已经投资了其他一流的应用程序, 比如HRMS, 预算和计划, 以及拨款管理, so we wanted a financial management application that would integrate with those and serve as the central data hub. Through its import options and APIs, 圣人Intacct is designed for this, so it was our top choice.”


The transition to 圣人Intacct means automated workflows and approvals have replaced manual processes, 提高准确性和效率. 例如, KQED现在通过直接ACH付款向所有供应商付款, 省去了打印和邮寄纸质支票所需的时间. 另外, integration with the organization’s bank speeds and simplifies bank reconciliation tasks, further freeing staff time and delivering real-time information surrounding cash flow.

总的来说,效率的提高每周为公司节省了40个小时. “We were actually able to eliminate one FTE (full-time equivalent) thanks to the efficiencies we’ve realized using 圣人Intacct,威廉姆斯说.


KQED is also tapping 圣人Intacct to help eliminate mountains of spreadsheets and hours of duplicate data entry.

例如, the organization used to calculate and store its asset amortization schedules in spreadsheets and then manually enter the results into its accounting application. 现在,圣人Intacct在开发票期间自动计算计划. And the software’s Dynamic Allocations feature makes short work of year-end allocations of KQED’s general and administrative expenses—which were also previously calculated offline and manually entered. “Eliminating these manual tasks not only gives us more time for critical thinking and planning, 但这也表明了对我们团队技能和才能的尊重,威廉姆斯说.


KQED leverages the dimensional capabilities of 圣人Intacct to simplify its chart of accounts while elevating its reporting capabilities. “We make extensive use of dimensions to allow us to gain visibility into our various business lines, 比如电视和广播, 通过项目和基金,威廉姆斯解释道. “在我们的旧制度下, we had to maintain separate GL account numbers for every combination—which led to a bloated, 复杂会计科目表. 维度消除了这种复杂性,并允许我们进行过滤, group and sort our financial and operational data more easily and more flexibly.”

正如KQED计划未来一样, data surrounding membership revenue and subscriber retention rates becomes invaluable. “这种类型的报告和数据分析对我们至关重要, 过去完全是在电子表格中完成的,威廉姆斯说。. “RSM helped us build reports in 圣人Intacct that combine operational and financial data to deliver real-time insights without all the manual effort.”


Through improved access to data, KQED can involve more stakeholders in strategic planning efforts. 财务经理, 例如, now have self-service access to budget figures and other data that relates to their area of influence.

“It’s empowering to our staff and beneficial for the organization to share data this easily,威廉姆斯说. “我们不断推出新项目和新举措, and 圣人Intacct provides critical insight into the success of those projects. 结果是, we have a deeper understanding of what is working and resonating with our audiences and can provide more of it.”

Another way 圣人Intacct boosts communication at KQED is through the Collaborate feature. “这是圣人Intacct的一个聊天功能,”威廉姆斯解释道. “我们可以添加解释注释或询问有关交易的问题. Other users reply, and all the messages are saved to provide complete context. We’re taking these kinds of conversations out of emails and putting them right where they’re needed.”

Williams believes it is this easy access to actionable data that offers the most significant benefit to KQED. “We’re able to look across the organization and identify trends and opportunities over time,她说。. “We use that data during our strategic planning sessions—and are finding levers we can pull to effect positive changes.”

KQED gives much of the credit to RSM for the organization’s successful transition to its new accounting solution. “我们认为他们是我们团队的一部分,”威廉姆斯说. “他们是专业精神的完美结合, business acumen and product expertise that really helped us draw the most value out of 圣人Intacct.” 

“我们认为他们(RSM)是我们团队的一部分,”威廉姆斯说. “他们是专业精神的完美结合, business acumen and product expertise that really helped us draw the most value out of 圣人Intacct.”

Sara Williams, KQED金融解决方案总监
